Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy NaNo!

It has been a happy week, looking back on it I guess. We had a happy Monday, Happy Candy day and now to finish it off a Happy NaNo day.

Not actually the reason I wanted to write today. I wasnt' planning on writing at all, but Studs Turkel died Friday, October 31, 2008. He was a 96. For those of you who don't know who Studs was, he was a Pulitzer prize winning writer for his 1985 book, The Good War. He wasn't so much a writer as a historian, recording the histories of what he called the 'non-celebrated.' His boks were filled with accounts from everyday people who had lived through extraordinary and sometimes mundane things. He is a great reference for anyone looking for a character they just can't seem to flesh out.

Now, lets get out there and write. And don't forget that 52 Stitches opens for submissions today. They already have mine.


Cate Gardner said...

Good luck, good luck, good luck...

And I've just subbed my first story to 52 Stitches too.

Jamie Eyberg said...

I'm going to need all the luck I can get because in my head talent has nothing to do with it.