Saturday, April 17, 2010

nice day, for a Saturday

So here I sit, trying to figure out where to go with the words. I really don't know. I did some significant re-writing of a story this week and re-subbed it. I think it is a better story for it but time will tell if the editor feels the same. I am done with my picture book, for the time being. It was really fun to write and now I am trying to figure out if I can use the characters anywhere else. It took me a year to come up with the story they are in now so things aren't looking real good for them. I still have a couple of books I could be working on but I seem to be stuck. At least two of them I would really like to find some 4 wheel drive for and get them out of the bog and back onto dry land. So, instead, I sit here, wondering what to write and hoping I have enough time to get it down once I do think of something.

On the bright side it is a beautiful day. It isn't supposed to be too hot or too cold. I don't know about the wind but I need to work on my lawnmowers to get them ready for the jungle that is going to be waiting for them after I get them ready. Have a good Saturday and a great weekend.

Even my fingers aren't working this morning. My pinky is getting a workout on the backspace key.


Katey said...

Sometimes you just need a few days-- or longer-- to enjoy the weather and let ideas percolate. Well, sometimes I do, anyhow :D

Jamie Eyberg said...

Katey, sometimes it turns into weeks as I try to figure out how to go about something. It is a wonder I am not a carpenter anymore. :)

Aaron Polson said...

Ah, spring...the time of year all of our yards turn into jungles. Ugh.

Happy writing (and lawn-mowering).

Jamie Eyberg said...

Aaron, I always do. with 2.5 acres of land to keep trimmed it gives me lots of time to work out story ideas.

Cate Gardner said...

Lawnmowers... I am grateful that I live in a world where we only need one mower. Shudder.

Jamie Eyberg said...

Cate, but I can drive my mowers. :)

Cate Gardner said...

I hate you.

Fox Lee said...

My fingers are very angry at me for using a push mower. I told them that it's "old school" and will one day be trendy again.

Jamie Eyberg said...

Cate, no you don't.

Nat, if you really want to abuse your body you should buy an old fashioned reel type mower without an engine. I have one. It does a great job, but the pain the next day, oh the pain.