Monday, July 26, 2010

Old Ghosts

I like it when I look at words that I have given order to and realize that I wouldn't change a whole lot about them. I was looking at a story that I haven't looked at in six months (that is how long it has been with an editor) and realized that I really like them. I am changing a little here and there on it. Expanding my characters story, just a little, wondering where the road can lead him, but the bones of the story are still there.

I have been thinking of revisiting some of my longer pieces (And they shall have pages and we shall call them books) and seeing what I would change this time around. I have nothing to lose but time.

Just what I needed, more projects.


Rebecca Nazar said...

Brave soul. I make it a point not to look over stuff I have "out there"; it only makes me neurotic.

Jamie Eyberg said...

Rebecca, I haven't found any glaring errors in that piece, which is good. I don't need any more editors thinking I am a moron. I just want to expand on the story and see if it is any longer or needs to stay the same.

Cate Gardner said...

My words always need a good shuffle. I wince when looking at them.

Katey said...

I'm with Cate on the wincing. Sometimes I like the story, but the words are generally wrecked. I think that's why I sit on long projects for months before returning to them :/

Fox Lee said...

I think I need to make the text bigger. I accidentally read, "And we shall call them boobs."

Jamie Eyberg said...

Cate, but you use such lovely words.

Katey, it isn't a bad idea. I do the same thing.

Nat, I can see how that can happen. I am prone to Freudian slips all the time.

Danielle Birch said...

I like revisiting an old story and realising how much I enjoyed it. Doesn't happen often with me, but when it does it's a good feeling.

Bobbie Metevier said...

It's also nice to look back and see how far you've come, too!

Barry Napier said...

That IS a cool feeling, though. At the very least, you could at least give the screen a knowing scowl to let those words know who's boss, regardless of how orderly they may seem.

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