The school that my daughter is in has the next four days off. Today, which is friday because the teachers worked late at parent/teacher conferences. They have the weekend off because it is, well, the weekend. then they get Monday off as well. It isn't a holiday or anything. None of the other schools around us get the day off, but we do. The reason. The high school girls basketball team made state so they are giving everyone the day off so we can all go to Des Moines and watch them play. I am not going. This is also the (1, 2, 3) Third time this year they have done so. They got out when the football team went to state and when the wrestlers went to state as well. I don't remember getting out when the volleyball team went to state (which they did). Granted this is an unprecidented year athletically for the school but this is getting a little ridiculous. To top it off, on Wednesday they get out early for a teacher in-service. ARGH!
This means I get the joy of watching both of my children (I would have been watching one already) when she should be in school. I don't even want to think about what is going to happen if the girls win their match and they need to take another day so we can go support them.
Needless to say, my craft is going to suffer the next four days at least. I might be able to crunch in a couple of hundred words here and there but actually sitting down and relaxing isn't going to happen. I think I might play a lot more pool though, my kids both enjoy that and they don't fight while they do.
Have a fantastic weekend. (now to try a trick from Barry's blog, if I mention it they will come. I haven't heard from an editor in 6 days. Hocus Pocus)
UPDATE: since this post I have received two rejections. Wow! this magic stuff really works!
Changes for New Year?
1 month ago