Friday, March 19, 2010

Reading List

I just finished my 7th book of the year last night. Hey, for me this is good. I just read the second book in Shroud Publications Hiram Grange saga- Hiram Grange & The Twelve Little Hitlers. Excellent read. I read both books in the Hiram Grange series this week. Both written by different writers and both weird as hell. I look forward to the rest of them coming out.

Now I don't know what to read. I have Stephen King's newest doorstop, Under the Dome sitting on my shelf as well as Neil Gaiman's, The Graveyard Book. I also have a couple of Hard Case Crime books I have yet to sift through and some Tom Piccirrili I haven't read either. I could read Dan Brown's newest book or go the literary route and read a book I got from my wife's cousin for Christmas. Speaking of books as presents I have George Carlin's newest on my shelf, unopened as well. Decisions, decisions.

Anyone have any suggestions? What route would you go?


Katey said...

I adored The Graveyard Book, but I've been in the mood for Stephen King lately.

... that wasn't helpful, was it? Ah well!

Jamie Eyberg said...

Katey, that is kind of the way i am leaning at the moment as well. I think I may be happy with anything in that list but prioritizing has become so hard. I completely forgot that I have The Road in my TBR pile as well. ARGH!

Fox Lee said...

It really depends on your mood. I have "Under the Dome" as well, but I ended up reading "The Ramen King and I." I got it out of curiosity, and it wound up being one of those books that sticks with you. If you go to BORDERS, they might have an autographed copy on sale! : )

Aaron Polson said...

Have read Dome, but The Graveyard Books is a lightish read. Not that that helps...

Aaron Polson said...

Um...make that haven't read Dome. Duh.

Cate Gardner said...

I'd go for The Graveyard Book - especially as you're working on an MG at the moment. If I'm writing shorts, I read shorts. If I'm writing horror, I read horror etc etc, blah, blah, blah.

Katey said...

Oh crap, I have The Road in mine too! Dammit! Goodreads, don't fail me now...

Danielle Birch said...

Read the Stephen King. I am curious as to what others think of the ending.

Jamie Eyberg said...

I have decided that I am not yet ready to throw my back out so I am reading The Graveyard book. So far, excellent. I hope to have it done later this week. THEN I will tackle Dome.