Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday post

Don't you love the title of this post. So original. So thought provoking.

Really, I have been up to amazingly little this week. I have gotten some words down, but not very many. I have worked on reading some friends stories, but I haven't made it through them (and not because I don't like them. Quite the contrary, they are actually some of the best work I have read from these people.). I have tried to work on re-writes of my own stories and haven't made it past the first chapter.

Some weeks are like that. I will get over it. Maybe today will be more productive. How is your week going?


Jeremy D Brooks said...

Rough week for me, too. Post-holiday cleanup, pre-holiday preparations. Thanksgiving and Xmas need to be in different seasons.

Aaron Polson said...

Slow week for sure. Carry on.

Jamie Eyberg said...

Jeremy- I hear you. the same season is too much festiving (not a word, I know) for a limited amount of time.

Aaron- And we shall.

K.C. Shaw said...

My week's been like that too. Ugh, I'm glad the week's over (well, it's not over until tomorrow afternoon when I get home from work, but you know). Hopefully next week will be way better for all of us.

Fox Lee said...

Editing wise, it's going quite well. But that's really more thanks to Ying. I mostly pester him with questions when he's trying to drink his coffee ; )

Cate Gardner said...

I had to spend my week Christmas shopping - shudder.

Jamie Eyberg said...

K.C.- Next week is going to be awesome!

Nat- Interrupting a man while he drinks coffee? Tisk, tisk.

Cate- but you are done, that counts for something.