Getting closer. I had a pretty good 1500 word day yesterday (and it only took me a little over an hour to get there). I have been thinking, in my spare time, how I am going to flesh out my characters in my spare time (I have quite a bit of thinking time I have found out, just very little time to implement my thoughts) It is looking like a weekend finish is in order. I am supposed to work on my house this weekend, and I will, but when I am done or waiting for stuff to dry or I just run out of material (It is always a possibility, although I don't know how likely) I am planning on working on finishing my book.
Next week I start my most dreaded project. rewriting and edits. I have two books I need to edit before I start editing my current piece and I want to have them all out by mid-summer. I don't know if I can do it (and you will notice how ambiguous mid-summer sounds. Is it the middle of the school's summer vacation or is it the mid-point of summer as determined by the summer solstice? I haven't decided either.)
After the edits I am in the search for an agent. At least for the YA book. I don't think there are many agents that look at novellas so I might have to sub that one on my own.
I should be finished reading Twilight. I know a lot of you are going 'what the hell is he reading that for?' My wife recommended it to me. My sister recommended it to me. As I said. I should be finished reading it but I have a perfectly logical excuse for not having it finished yet (It really is a quick read). I haven't been reading it. I haven't been sucked in (no pun intended) by the characters, although I will give that the story is starting to pick up, now that I have read over half of it. Maybe I will put that on my 'to-do' list as well this weekend. After all, I have Money Shot by Christa Faust to read. Nothing like porn stars that are shot and left for dead only to come back for revenge. That one I am looking forward to reading.
Changes for New Year?
4 weeks ago
That woman has hips straight from 1965.
I often buy their books just for the pulp covers. Haven't read a bad one yet.
Okay, I'm not sure if it's intentionally funny, but Money Shot is making me laugh my butt off.
Just don't get the two books confused when you try to recommend them to someone. Heh.
I am serious. i have it on my bookshelf and am planning on reading it soon. I think if I recommended it to Twilight's target audience I would be arrested.
"Hard" case indeed!
Argh! The agent search. I'm guessing we'll be doing it at about the same time. Scary, scary, scary.
Mid-summer is a good term--it gives you something to shoot for but is vague enough that even if you finish in August, you can probably make a good argument that it's still mid-summer.
Money Shot sounds a lot more interesting than Twilight, if you ask me.
Nat- I'm just going to roll my eyes on that one.
Cate- I hope it is a good summer for all of us then.
K.C.- I thought that same thing. I have a two month window or so to buffer myself with. Twilight isn't bad. It just isn't my thing, not enough fang.
I'm three quarters of the way through Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer. After I finish breaking dawn I have a Peter Straub and a Dan Simmons waiting for me to read.
Now if twilight had a cover like that, I'd be enticed into reading it.
Danielle- My wife is about 30 pages away from finishing the series. I don't know what she is going to read after that. We don't tend to read the same things.
Jameson- I think the story would be considerably different if it had a cover like that.
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