Double whammy yesterday. Got my first rejection of the month, not a big deal. We are all adults here. I can handle that. Then as I was updating my Duotrope files I came across a post that From the Asylum was closing, for good. Crap. I had a story out with them for 3 months. Not like the story I had with them for almost a year, but still. Crap. Another one bites the dust. I think the hurricane they had in the area last year, really did them in. I have no clue what this is going to do for their anthologies. If you have a piece accepted with them, I wouldn't be afraid to contact them.
In other news. Started the re-write/editing process on my YA book, Big Chief's Gold. this is more fun than a short story, as far as the editing goes. I don't know, exactly, what is different, but it feels more fluid to me. Maybe I had good bones to work with- I don't know. I think I will be done with what I have in another two weeks. Then I will let it sit for a while and work on another book I have in the wings. After that comes the Novella and then I get to do it all over again until I feel I have piece good enough to show others.
Isn't this fun.
Changes for New Year?
2 months ago
You're going to edit it in two weeks - send me some of your magic pleeeeeaaaaaassssssse. I think I'm still a month away from finishing my edit. Might help if I stopped procrastinating.
I like editing too. I've been so wrapped up in query mania, I almost forgot that writing is the fun part.
Sucks about FTA.
Cate- is it very short. I managed to go through 5 K of it yesterday so the next 20 K should go about as smooth. Unless I really botched it up.
Aaron- I have never liked editing until I got to this. I have never had to edit a book, just shorts and I haggle over every word. books seem to have a little more leeway.
Too bad, they looks like a fun magazine : (
Hell's bells...I've had a story out with FTA for 95 days. Knew I should have simul-subbed that one.
Have fun with the edits...
You are an editing fiend. That's all I've got to say.
This is just phase one of edits. There are many to go. Initial goes fast for me, after that it gets tedious.
Good luck with the editing process - but three in a row - God help you.
I've learned to love editing. It was a long and rocky road.
I had a story at FTA since about November. Pity about the market folding, but I was considering withdrawing the story to sub elsewhere. I guess my decision was made for me. Good luck with the editing.
Ouch to the rejection, and that's too bad about From the Asylum. Maybe they'll end up like Realms of Fantasy, which closed and then got picked up by someone else who is apparently keeping the same editors onboard.
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