I am beat. Last night, for reasons unknown, the boy decided to go down at 11 and then get me up again about 12:45. I've pretty much been up ever since. I don't know how well this writing this is going to go today. Something tells me that I might have a lot of errors and plot gaps in my current story. Oh well. I'll still give it a try.
My vermin story is turning out much longer than I had anticipated. I still like the characters, but the natural progression of the story is taking much more paper than I had imagined. Such is life. Still I think I can save both of my characters and get by with only maiming them- Severely.
In other news. I have not heard back from an editor, good or bad in fifteen days now. That is a record this year. I take that back. I heard back from Doorways magazine yesterday, but they must be having a heck of a time keeping track of submissions because Brian and I corresponded on that story last year and I really enjoyed the analysis that Mort Castle gave of my story as he rejected it, in July. That story has since found a home. Oh, well.
I will go over more of this in my end of month segment in two days time. Until then have a happy humpday.
Changes for New Year?
2 months ago
I received three "release of story" messages for the same piece from Doorways yesterday.
Aaron beat me - I only got two. :)
Go get some sleep, and if you don't, I will.
Yeah...get some sleep, man. I try not to write when I'm too tired. It makes for more work later.
just hearing about your sleep troubles made me tired.
Oh no, wait, that was the hungry 3 1/2 week old boy...
I only got one release from them yesterday. Now I feel left out.
Sadly, I have written my 1000 words for the day already and I am not tired, I know I will be.
Barry- I feel for you man. I just hope he doesn't cut teeth like my boy does. This happens every time a new one starts to edge through. He doesn't sleep and neither do I.
I don't know how the weather is where you are, but it's cool and wet here. For some reason, that drains my energy. I can barely read blogs, let alone write : P
Then again, cold weather doesn't wake me up in the middle of the night ; )
Nat- The weather isn't any better in Iowa. At least it was nice yesterday and it looks to be good this weekend. :)
Hopefully the waiting for the editors and the teething will be over soon. Hang in there. : )
I feel very left out, I've heard nothing back from Doorways...
I feel for you with the little one but I still win - I had zero sleep last night due to back pain and am currently sitting at work trying to stay awake. The drive home should be interesting...
Sleeping troubles too...is this catching on.
Suzanne- I have no doubt that both will be coming to an end soon. A slew of rejections will clog my inbox and I am sure my boy will just start biting everything in sight to ease the pain.
BT- I feel for you, I really do. Hope you get to feeling better soon.
Danielle- Writing at 3 in the morning is oddly refreshing, if you really aren't tired. If you are tired and still can't sleep, that sucks.
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