Nothing like running a chainsaw for an afternoon to give you time to think. I thought of new plot twists and turns in my current WIP and in some older stories that I still like, but haven't found a home. Still, I managed to get no new writing in and while I got a little reading in, it wasn't near as much as I wanted to get done.
Still, I managed to get rid of about six ton of old trees, junk lumber and old railroad ties. Now my wrist is killing me; the largest log weighed about 400 pounds if you go by the standard for a cubic foot of douglas fir of 40 pounds and it was ten feet long (at least it wasn't oak which is 54 pounds/cubic foot). I couldn't cut it because I didn't want to risk hitting some hidden iron and ruining a good chain saw blade. Still, it was a good job done and one less thing to do this fall.
Now, today I want to go over a manuscript that was rejected this weekend (I was told I just missed the antho. Damn!) and see if I can salvage it for a different market. Something is telling me no, but the theme is used in a lot of different antho's so I may just let it sit and wait. Something will come up.
So, what did you do this weekend?
Changes for New Year?
1 month ago
You should talk to my next door neighbors. One of them just got a chainsaw and he has cut down everything in his yard, his buddy-next-door's yard, and now he's asking my mom if she wants the brush and smaller trees cleared out of the woods behind our back yard. Maybe he's a writer too. :)
Ouch about the not-quite on the antho. Good luck with that story elsewhere!
K.C.- My wife doesn't know it but the chainsaw vs. the trees was actually practice for the upcoming zombie Apocalypse. Have a nice day. :)
I need a better chainsaw.
(I'm enjoying Big Chief's Gold, by the way...sorry so slow on the reading...I should be fired)
Aaron- I could use a bigger chainsaw. (don't worry about being slow. I am in no big hurry. Also, I know it has problems.)
It's funny how doing chores and other work around the house provides the chance to brainstorm new ideas. You'd think I'd be willing to do more chores because of that, but I still hate it.
I have heard of people taking showers or long walks while trying to work through WIP snafus, but never using a chainsaw. Yet another reason why you are so awesome.
I weeded, now my joints hurt : P
Jameson- yep, chores still suck.
Carrie- any post I put up today was going to be eclipsed by your news. You are the awesome one today!
Nat- weeding. Blech!
Chainsaw, huh? Usually for me its the shower or driving.
Something will TOTALLY come up.
Manual labor time is the best time for plot twists, somehow. Well, that and doing dishes... which I guess can be considered manual labor, depending on how many dishes you have to do, and how big the washing apparatus. Anyhow, my point is that it's meditative, and I'm feeling that!
Your the bestt
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