I have been compiling information to get started on one of two NaNo projects I could undertake. Both are ideas that have been in my head for awhile, although I one is considerably longer than the other and I believe I will be going with that one. It seems to be just right for a month-long foray into the dark recesses of my mind that deal with the way people deal with each other, and if it sucks I wouldn't feel bad about it.
Other than that, my girl is home sick from school. It isn't the dread disease that everyone is talking about on the news, thankfully.
While we are at it, go out and buy Barry's new book, Debris.
Changes for New Year?
1 month ago
Kinda jealous of everyone doing NaNo this year...I used to do it on the Filthy Critic team. Just too much going on this year (again).
Maybe next year. I have a feeling I will be crossing that 50K mark in January, if I am lucky.
Thanks for the pimpage!
And I have yet to decide if I will be trying NaNo this year...
Man. Two NaNo projects?
A month in the dark recesses is about as long as anyone could wish.
Barry- Anytime. I know you are busy (as we all are) so I don't blame you if you don't.
Aaron- There can be only one (thank you Highlander). I think I might end up doing the other project in the spring (and oddly enough, neither is a horror project.)
Tempted to do Nano, but I know I don't have the idea/focus this year. Not when I still have to edit LAST years novel : P
Only four days left? Yikes, someone get me a time machine! I need to go back in time to do some plotting.
My pom poms are ready.
Nat- have fun on your novella.
K.C.- you and me both. October was far too fast.
Cate- :)
The anticipation is building.
Even the thought of NaNo makes my brain melt.
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