September, hello? Are you around here? No? Who the hell are you? Oh, Hi October.
September was quite possibly the shortest month this year. It started off great. I made my only acceptance of the month in Midnight Echo issue #3 (should be out shortly) and was published in on their short fiction page. Other than that I received 3 rejections and one new hold as a semi-finalist for the Shroud short fiction contest #7, where we are still trying to figure out which Monday Mr. Deal meant.
Other than that I wrote no completed short stories although I did start one, and I outlined a new YA book that I have a lot of research to do before I start. I also managed 1 query letter that didn't look like crap and did more editing on my MG book, Big Chief's Gold.
I have no goals in mind for October, we shall see what the month brings although I would like to finish this story I have started and outline the book I plan on writing for NaNo. Not real ambitious but my kids don't take naps anymore.
Changes for New Year?
1 month ago
Hee. Pick a Monday, any Monday.
The most amusing thing about this is that I literally JUST checked Shroud's page to see if I possibly missed any updates.
Here's to a rocking October!
Carrie- I did the same thing just before I wrote this. Nothing, and he said he just finished the layout on the issue last night.
October IS going to rock!
I keep checking the Shroud page too and I'm not even a semi-finalist. You guys must be going insane.
You should use October to catch up on your sleep for Nano, I mean November. :)
You did better than me with an acceptance in September. I hope you get lots and lots of them in October!
Cate- well, yes. but most of that was from years ago.
K.C.- It will be hard to get lots of acceptances when I only have 6 stories out. I am really running dry in the short story bucket. I hope to dip it back into the well soon.
dogs usually nap after you run them around a lot... im not sure how that would translate into kid people.
Man. I loathe the end of naptime. Naptime was awesome time.
Roll on NaNo.
Samantha- my dog naps after waking up in the morning.
Aaron- I lucked out and he actually napped today, and went down early tonight. I am sure I will be up at 3 a.m. because of it.
Danielle- NaNo will be good this year, I just know it.
No naps?? Hmm...can they be distracted by jigsaw puzzles?
Ah, September! You held my birthday and now you are gone to be replaced by the sexiest month of the year! May all have good fortune during the witch's month!
-Licorice Lain
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