I offer everyone who reads my blog a Merry Christmas (that would be you. Yes, you.). It is fast approaching and I am prepared as much as any guy can be. I guess. The presents are bought and wrapped. They are even under the tree, of which only one has been unwrapped by my youngest and had to be re-wrapped. The baking is done and tastes delicious. You will have to trust me on that because I would share but you would have to come over. We even have snow on the ground and it looks like that will be staying around until about March if Mother Nature has anything to do about it. She is even moving in a slow moving storm that arrives tonight and won't be leaving until Friday if the local weatherman is correct.
All in all I have to say it has been a good year. Good friends, good stories, good books (okay- great friends, great stories and great books). I hope that we can say that 2010 will be even better as we all improve with every story and continue to find our audiences.
Have a great rest of the year. I will see you around New Years.
Changes for New Year?
2 months ago
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope the snow is just enough to look pretty without messing with the roads.
Merry Christmas to you and your family and have a great New Year.
Let's eat, drink, and eat some more into 2010! : )
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
K.C.- You as well. I hope they are kidding about the ice they are talking about on Wed.
Danielle- Happy holidays to you.
Nat- I think you mean- drink, eat, and DRINK some more. :)
Alan- I hope you have a good one as well.
Enjoy the holiday, Jamie. It's nice to be snowed in--as long as you don't need to go anywhere...
Aaron- enjoy your holiday as well. one of the joys of not holding a regular job.
Back at you, buddy. One day I'll be there to share the bounty and have a white Xmas, till then, have a drink for me and wish you and yours a Merry Xmas from down under.
BT- Enjoy boxing day for me. We have american football.
Well, if you insist ; )
Have a fabulous Christmas and New Year, Jame. :D
Happy Christmas and a fabulous New Year to you and yours. Now the last of my presents just have to arrive to be wrapped... :D
Nat- I DO insist.
Cate- You as well. Stay warm.
Katey- Merry Holidays. I hope your presents show up soon or you have a back-up, just in case.
Thanks Jamie, same to you!
Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year, Jamie!
Jeremy- I hope everything was wonderful. Have a safe new year.
Natasha- You have a wonderful holiday as well. thanks for visiting.
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