I have a very succinct list of goals for this week. I am writing them down so as to remind myself. If you are actually interested that is fantastic.
1. finish this round of edits in my novella. I said it would take 8 working days for this and I have put in 4 or 5 so far. I am on track to finish within this time frame. That is just the paper edits. Then I have to take the time to put those corrections into my wp file. that will probably take 2 or three days.
2. put the last coat of drywall plaster on my tape joints in the spare bedroom I have been working on. This should only take a couple of hours.
3. brew my first batch of beer. The kids got me a beer brewing kit for Father's day. They must really love me. ;) I am actually looking forward to this project, and really looking forward to the finished product. Something that really can't be rushed.
4. mow the yard. I think I will start on this today. we have 2.5 acres and is has rained like crazy in the last week. I am considering having my neighbor bale it into hay for the cattle. Either that or I need sheep to graze in it. Actually it will only take about 2 hours to mow the whole thing. the trimming is going to take about that long as well.
I think that about covered it. I have a couple of other things I would like to get done: finish my vermin story because I think I am about 300 words from the end, take a load of scrap metal to the landfill, go fishing, weed the garden. But I will get to those as I see fit.
hope everyone has a productive and fun week. I can say that because I don't work for a living. ;)
Changes for New Year?
2 months ago
You forgot no. 5 - mow Cate's yard. :)
And I'm always interested in what you're up to. My goal for the week - try not to sleep too much.
Sounds like good goals. Good luck with the Vermin story! And everything else too, of course.
Okay, once again I've managed to get you confused with someone else (Jameson T. Caine in this case, who's working on the Vermin story). That's what I get for trying to read blogs at work!
I meant to tell you that the beer brewing thing sounds like fun, but I hope it doesn't explode and kill you.
Cate- I don't know if I could get my mower in my carry on luggage. :)
K.C.- I am working on a vermin story as well. As far as death by beer, I can think of worse ways to go (I think that is why I write horror)
Don't forget to prioritize those goals for the week (the beer as number 1, or course). I, too, was nearly thrown by the vermin thing. Small 'v' not big 'V'. Good luck with that.
i feel ya with the lawn mowing. the rain these last few days has mine looking like the amazon.
best of luck with the edits!
I would love to do garden work, but its too hot : P So I shall do laundry, a chore almost as grotesque as doing dishes.
If I had a home brewing kit, I'd never get anything done. My taste for beer far exceeds my focus and determination.
Alan- actually,mowing is priority one today. :(
Barry- I think I just heard a howler monkey somewhere in mine.
Nat- laundry is never-ending with my family.
Jeremy- I will let you know how it works out, and send you information if it does.
i love lists. your kids sound precocious...
ah! cate's goal is my goal! when i work mornings (i don't do six well) i nap for way too long afterwards. i need to stop.
Your goat idea is brilliant! You'll never mow again...
Suzanne- actually, my wife would like sheep.
Good god, 2.5 acres to mow?!! You're gonna NEED that brewing kit before it's over.
Jameson- I am trying to plant it all into trees, but the deer in the area have other plans (midnight snacks for all the 4 legged creatures in the area)
think of Jack's big music show...
Baa, baa, baa, baa...sheep are cute. Especially little lamby puppet sheep!
My wife is right, puppet sheep are hilarious. I will try to find the video for tomorrow.
Good luck with the goals, but most of all the brewing.
Danielle- goals are already going well. I will keep everyone up on the brewing.
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