May was S-l-o-w. Very Slow. I haven't heard back from an Editor since May 9. Nothing. So my tally for the month is one acceptance from Fissure magazine (very cool little chapbook magazine) and two rejections. I wrote a single little story all 100 words of it for Necrotic Tissue. They weren't open to submissions so I sent it on to Weird tales where they rejected it. Now I am back to waiting for NT to open up.
I have 10 stories out in sub land. 5 of which have been out for 100 days or more and several others creeping up on it. I have been working, not feverishly but at a steady pace to finish my latest draft of Big Chief's Gold, the MG book I have been working on. I think I have two more chapters to finish and then I can get to work on another completed manuscript. It will be a round robin event with my books this summer. Get done working on one, put it away for a time and work on another until I have one ready to go out the door. Then the fun begins.
I am planning on catching up on some reading today. I finished reading a John Saul book this weekend. Interesting, a fun read, but like many books I read I thought the ending was a little rushed. At least it had a good epilogue to tie it all together.
Until later, have a good Monday.
Changes for New Year?
2 months ago
You didn't get any more responses because all the editors in the world were busy rejecting me. :)
Congrats on the acceptance! I'm sure June will usher in tons more acceptances.
K.C.- thanks, but for some reason I really doubt that. Most, not all of the stories I have out are older and when they do come back half will be retired.
Congrats on the acceptance and staying in the game another month. I think that's the real key, right? Stay in the game and good things happen.
Much luck with the novels this summer.
never been a big john saul fan. course i think i only read one of his books, so maybe i should give him another shot.
good luck with writing a novel! god just the thought might be too much for me.
Aaron- Thanks, I'm going to need all the luck I can get (send any rabbits feet to Me at . . .)
Samantha- I think I have 4 or 5 novel length manuscripts right now and I am not brave enough to have anyone else read them.
Also, I have read 2 Saul books lately that I actually enjoyed (Black Creek Crossing and the one I just read, In The Dark Of The Night.)
for some reason, I never really liked Saul. And believe me, I've tried.
To frisky in-boxes in June!
I'm convinced June is going to love us all so very, very much. :)
Nat- as long as they breed acceptances.
Cate- I hope you are correct.
hmm i think i read Saul's Suffer the Children. I might give him another shot :^)
I think there was a sale on slow pills: the economy overdosed and the editors went along with it.
Congrats on the acceptance and good luck with the novels.
I was a little surprised when you said you had 10 pieces out. I thought you had a few more than that doing the rounds. I don't feel so bad now ;c)
John Saul - I loved Saul as a teenager. When I had the great book loss back in the 1980's, his were some of the ones I missed most. I've started picking them up again and now have a few on my to read shelf. I did read Suffer The Children again for the first time in years (check my review page), and found I didn't love him quite so much, but I'm a sucker for a horror story centered around kids.
Sounds like you're in the same boat as me, Jamie - I'm travelling so slow right now that I've got moss growing on me. It'll pick up. (Right? Right? RIGHT?!) Sounds like you're still achieving regardless. Well done.
BT- It probably doesn't help that I have subbed out to some notoriously slow markets as well. Saul is not my favorite author, but I now only read him on my wife's recommendation. She is a pretty good judge.
Felicity- It has to get faster, has to! If I was going any slower I would be in reverse.
Now that you say it, I can't remember the last time I heard back from an editor. Here's hoping one of us hears something soon.
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