Yesterday was my daughter last day of kindergarten so today starts the first day of summer for us. It is supposed to be hot (86 degrees F) so I don't know what we are going to do. Probably play outside, sweat a lot, and come back inside. I might be able to talk them into wanting to go fishing, although there is the chance of thunderstorms this afternoon.
This will also be the first test of my summer writing schedule. I don't even know if I can call it a schedule at this point. It will probably be random stolen moments where I happen to be close to the computer and the house is fairly quiet (I can't write while there are any distractions around).
I am finding it incredulous that Monday is the first day of June and my youngest sister's birthday. Talk about making me feel old. We used to go to movies together and people thought I was her dad. She is only 3 years younger than me. There is a reason one of my nicknames in college was 'the old man.' A rather high hairline will do that to a guy.
Anyway, that was a little off the point, but I think I was trying to say that the end of month report will be coming out that day. It is looking like a very short report at this point, unless I get a slew of responses from editors, which isn't likely.
Hope everyone has a good weekend and enjoy the rest of your Friday as well. I might go try to drown a worm now.
Changes for New Year?
2 months ago
It's funny how summer seems so different (and less appealing) as an adult. I hope you can manage to get a writing schedule worked out! In the meantime, there's always fishing. (I love fishing but I hate catching anything. My favorite activity actually is crabbing at the beach with those pyramid-shaped traps. I love the excitement of pulling the traps up to see what's inside, and then I can just dump the unharmed crabs back in the water.)
Fishing is a wonderful way to spend summer days. I can't wait to park the boys in front of a pole and put a new worm on their hooks every minute. (no sarcasm intended)
K.C.- We don't have crabs around here but we do have crawdads. and frogs, lots of frogs.
Aaron- We just got the boy a nice little ugli stick and I can't wait to try it out for him.
crawdads are a northern version of crayfish right? (note, i think you're in VA. this is north of me. thus, you are a northerner). crazy northern slang.
though crawdads has a southern ring to it, more than crayfish does actually. hm. my identity has been challenged.
my little bro is four years younger and he always makes me feel old when he ages. those troublesome siblings.
Samantha- Actually, I am from Iowa and we use the two interchangeably. And as far as those pesky younger siblings go, sheesh!
Enjoy your kids, the writing will wait. :)
Cate, but my brain might explode from the pressure. I guess I have a roll of duct tape to wrap my skull in. :)
Crawdads, crayfish, it's all good! (I'm from WV, but live in VA-- always used em both too.) Hours of entertainment as a kid while my dad fished, finding those little guys and then, er, leaving them alone.
Enjoy the hot summer day with yer kids, man. It sounds like a blast-- not to mention good source material.
Fishing, fishing, fishing! I used to love when my dad took us out on the boat : )
Katey- I am just hoping no one ends up in the water.
Nat- I don't have a boat, yet. Have to wait until the kids are a little older and listen a little better, otherwise see above.
Hope you guys enjoy the beginning of summer. I never got the whole fishing thing. I just don't have patience to sit and wait for a fish.
Summer hasn't come here yet. The Batson is still in school through the 10th, and it's supposed to be rainy and 70-ish here. Can you send a little extra summer our way?
Danielle- apparently my boy doesn't have any patience for it either. maybe i will try again when he isn't 2.
Carrie- we have the same weather here today. thunderstorms and 70, so I can't help you on your quest to bring in summer any earlier.
I sympathize about the 'old man' issue...I don't have the receeding hair thing, but I've had grey coming in since I was 19 (the hair's still there...mostly).
Good luch stealing some moments for writing.
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