It was a remarkably accomplished weekend. Lots of things were done around the house, good food was eaten, a shopping trip was incorporated into a birthday party outing and my daughter's t-ball game (kind of like baseball only no one pitches the ball. It sits on a T instead.) It was a busy weekend to be sure.
I did manage to get some thinking in. Some plot holes were filled in, mentally anyway. I will look forward to getting them on paper eventually. Maybe even today.
I was planning on doing a bunch of reading this weekend, but that plan fell through. I might try to fix that this morning while the boy eats his pop tart and watches his favorite cartoons.
Lots of good stories have come out in the last week: Jameson gave us 'Nuts' on 52 Stitches, Aaron had a story (and an interview) come out on EDF, Danielle had a story come out in Anthology form here, and I want to thank everyone for the kind comments you left about my own story Wine For Two.
Hope everyone had a good weekend and if you were not feeling the greatest (as apparently many of you were) I hope you are feeling better.
Changes for New Year?
2 months ago
Sounds like a good weekend for sure.
Poptarts and's sad that I'm jealous of your son. :)
Ah, if life was still as simple as pop tarts and cartoons. Have a good week.
Not a fan of the pop tarts myself (unless they are the chocolate fudge ones) but with a good Looney Toons block in front of me I could be content for a month.
YAY! For fabulous weekends and BOO! for Mondays. Enjoy your week, Jamie.
Sounds like a sweet weekend : )
Cate- I couldn't agree more.
Nat- If only I could have gone fishing *sigh*
Always a good feeling when the plot holes are resolved.
Nice of you to plug all those stories. I seem to be going on a short story binge myself lately reading anything by people I know that I can read for free, and some I even paid for!
Danielle- plot holes bad:p
Benjamin- story binging isn't a bad think, N1H1 and SARS are bad.
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