Summer isn't even here yet and it is already starting a protest over my writing schedule. Yesterday, we got a nice chunk of stuff done around the house: Finished hanging drywall on the ceiling, mowed the acreage, weeded flowers, rebuilt retaining wall, changed oil in mowers, cleaned house. The problem is many of those chores have to be done every week! Granted I shouldn't have to do many of them again this year (Ceiling done, wall, oil in mowers until the end of season) but I still have to paint the house, clean the garage, finish the spare bedroom sheetrock, ect. Something tells me this isn't going to be a productive summer so please excuse me if I am spending less time on my internet endeavors like Facebook, Twitter, and Blogspot. It isn't you It is me, really.
Now I am off to reformat a story to send to Weird Tales. (Thanks Cate)
Changes for New Year?
2 months ago
But think of all the fresh air...ah!
If I wanted to enjoy fresh air I would go fishing. :) I think my lips got sunburned yesterday as well.
Thank goodness my lawn is tiny - about half an hour covers the front and the back of the house and I'm doing my best to ignore the weeds.
I always used to get the backs of my knees sunburned. It made for awkward jeans-wearing afterwards.
If you have to cut down on something, don't cut down on outdoor time. Just wear chapstick with sunscreen. :)
I kind of miss summers up north...although the lack of mowing and weeding (come July/Aug, weeds all just give up and die) in the desert does have an upside, I suppose--if you consider being locked indoors for 4 months in the summer an upside.
I'm pooped out from just reading about what you accomplished. I could never be that productive around the house. I think I'd upset some cosmic balance.
Ooh, I love sending stuff to Weird Tales. The iota of hope (in my case) is intoxicating!
what? weird tales is opened again? wonderful.
i've taken against my lawn. demanding to be mowed every week. to teach it a lesson, i'm ignoring it, so it learns to not grow so fast.
Cate- I ignore all of the weeds. It is more of a dandelion patch than a yard.
K.C.- I think this is one of the few times my lips got more sun than the rest of me.
Jeremy- I like my yard too much to move to the desert, although I would gladly move to a place without harsh winters.
Jameson- I don't think it is a cosmic balance thing I am worried about so much as my back I'll throw out- again.
Natalie- I love the rejections they send out.
Horror Girl- They are only accepting very short stories for a video series they are doing (20-150 words) At least until Memorial day.
I hear you. But if you're anything like me, you spend half of the time weeding/cleaning/etc. obsessing about what you'll write when you get a chance. And then promptly forget it when you sit down.
No enough time for everything? Don't I know it! I have twin girls at home that keep me kinda busy. ;)
Since you're a writer, I thought I'd mention there's a writers' support group you might be interested in. It's called Writers_on_Writing. If you want to know more, check out my blog. I posted some info about it yesterday. Maybe you know other writers who might want to join? The group's a SUPPORT group, not a critique group for writers 18 years or older.
Lynnette Labelle
Carrie- I feel your pain there. I can only think of new projects when I am otherwise distracted. anything else gets lost in the folds of my mind.
Lynette- Thanks for the info and thanks for stopping by. i think I need all the support I can get.
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