Today is going to be abbreviated for me. I won't be able to get much, if anything done, on my current projects. To that I am taking a page from Brian Keene's playbook and have started working more than one project in the same sitting. I can see where he is coming from. I have a problem where the first couple of pages of an ongoing manuscript go great and then it seems like a lot of time is spent looking at the curtain in front of me. Using Keene's method (and I will admit is not for everyone. I don't even know if it is for me.) I can juggle two projects at the same time, when one slows to a crawl I switch gears and get a couple of hundred words down on the other project.
So far it works pretty well. Something tells me I am going to have a problem later on with characters that weren't written in to one story popping in for a visit. I didn't say it was a perfect idea.
Today, instead of writing, and if it doesn't rain, I will be spending my time planting flowers, cleaning the garage and maybe hanging more drywall. On the top of my list is tightening a water line under my dishwasher without snapping it and making a bigger mess. I thought I would have taken care of that earlier but I grabbed a handful of wrenches and none of them were the proper size. If this is any indication of how the rest of my day will go I am going back to bed.
Have a happy Wednesday!
Changes for New Year?
2 months ago
Having just escaped a walk-in cupboard that I was painting, I would like you to fly over and finish the rest of my house. Pleasssssssse. :)
That would be a cool vacation. I would hate to think what the airline would charge me to ship my toolboxes. :)
I don't think of the wind-down-and-stare part of writing as a bad thing. I'm just recharging!
It's the wind-down-and-stare-then-Twitter-and-play-video-games part that I have trouble with.
K.C. that is exactly why I am trying this method. My downtime is killing my productivity.
We always have projects at our place, too, and if you want to find a way to grow good ol' grass in our "lawn", I'll pay for the ticket anytime.
Ooh, I have one of those lawns. Bare patches and half weeds. Who mows weeds? Feeling very inept today.
Working on more than one project at once would make me sea-sick ; )
I have gardening to do however I'm ignoring the weeds - until they reach epic proportions, that is.
Good luck with the dishwasher - sounds like it could be bad.
As for the multiple projects - it's the only way I work. It definitely stops writers block.
The trick is to not return to a project you stopped in the same sitting - then you get seasick, or the wrong characters turn up.
Work on one until nothing comes or it begins to become a chore. Go take a break and then come back to another project and work on that for a while.
The following day you can come back to the original project or another one. Just don't try to do too many things at once - it's tiring.
Aaron- I think the only thing I can grow around my yard are cats.
Cate- All of my weeds get whacked at least once a week.
Nat- My dad was a sailor, I am immune to sea-sickness.
Danielle- You should see my pathetic excuse of a strawberry patch. :(
BT- the plumbing went well, just had to tighten a bit. I think you are right on about how to work several projects. Moderation in all things.
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