The title of this post has nothing to do with anything, although it is true.
Today will be an interesting day. I have stories to read, pages to fill and a child to bathe. Not all at the same time, the pages would get soggy and I would probably short out my computer. I also have a lunch with another local writer and her boyfriend. Should be interesting, especially if my boy doesn't want to cooperate. She writes YA and is a reporter for the local paper. I know somewhere in this little town of ours is a Harlequin romance writer as well. I don't know who she is but she writes under a pseudonym that I am unsure of. I am a little rusty on my Harlequin's.
Yesterday, in a sleepy stupor I managed to get no writing done. I did read a bit, which was nice and started to watch the history channel program I had taped from Sunday night 'How Bruce Lee Changed the World.' Very interesting so far, I would recommend it.
Have plenty to do today, so I am going to do them now and if you are interested in queries go to Carrie's page. She has played with one of Mercedes' query letters and it is a good time.
Changes for New Year?
2 months ago
Enjoy your lunch, and the title of your post pretty much refers to my lawn and my writing at the moment. :)
All the dandelions are pretty this time of the year. ;)
Mine wave to me when I arrive home from work...
I want to live in your world.
I bet Cate's dandelions sing on occasion, too.
to have a lawn of singing dandelions. that is the dream.
course those songs could turn nasty. and the dandelions could wave Lovecraft style.
but i don't think they would do that for cate :^)
and jamie i really think weeds give a yard character
Awww... thanks for the referral. And sadly enough, you've pretty much described my lawn too.
If you got one of those little sushi boats you could probably eat in the tub without too much mess!
I hope your lunch went swimmingly, and the bath went bathingly. :) Sounds like a good day.
Aaron- I wonder if they like Aretha Franklin?
Samantha- If the yard was completely green that would be boring.
Carrie- you are the one doing the world a service with your snarftastic advise (snarftastic isn't on my spell check for some reason.)
Nat- not that kind of lunch.
K.C.- It was nice to talk, in person, to a fellow writer. The boy even behaved himself, mostly.
As long as the weeds are green, they can stay. I'm not much of a gardener.
My entire backyard is filled with weeds. We don't go back there too much. The front lawn is HUGE since we live on a corner lot. I pay the neighbor to mow it for me cuz I sure as hell ain't doing it myself.
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