I haven't been online much this week. It has been rather hectic. I have had two chiropractor appointments, two tee-ball practices, a child's birthday party (not my own kid), and I spent yesterday at the mother-in-laws replacing a window I am pretty sure was original to the house (it was installed with forged square nails). I am fairly tired. Still I have found time to write. I wrote in the park on Tuesday while my daughter was at her birthday party, and my boy slept in his carseat. if that isn't a reason to own a laptop computer, I don't know what is.
I am now within a chapter of finishing the 3rd draft of my MG book (Yippee!) This is the book I have changed point of view three times now. I think I have it right this time. If I don't I am not changing it again. I should finish this draft today, if the children let me. Then I am planning on working on a short story I started last month before I delve into editing a novella I wrote. I hope, after reading it again, that it doesn't suck terribly bad. I shall find out when I start that, next week.
You don't expect me try to cram all of this into one week do you?
I still haven't heard back from an editor in almost a month now. Soon, one way or another, I hope. Silence is more unnerving than anything else in this business.
Gotta go. Still much to do today.
Changes for New Year?
2 months ago
Good luck with finishing the rewrite! I'm sure you have it exactly right this time.
I've decided to keep a log of how much writing I get done every day, and so far I haven't actually had time to actually set up a spreadsheet, much less write.
K.C.- I can't do anything like that. I don't know how to set up a spreadsheet. I set goals when I sit down (whenever that is) of 1,000 words, although I am happy with 500. While sitting in the park I managed 1,500. :)
I like spreadsheets too, but mostly for agent subs-- I keep a journal to log my count and it makes me feel productive. (Or not, depending.)
Funny how we can get so much done when busy, but when not busy, sometimes it just makes us want to sit and stare, really. Good luck with your last chapter-- That's a great feeling, putting away a draft.
Double Yippee on the almost finishing your draft, which of course may be finished by now. Phew!
Katey- Very excited to finish this particular draft.
Cate- Haven't gotten started for the day, I have a child to put down for a nap first.
Excellent cramming : ) I hope you stopped writing long enough to at least grab a cupcake at the park!
Nat- No snacking at the park, but I did stop long enough to talk to a guy fishing and check on a girl who had fallen from her bike.
Hooray for a mission accomplished!
Sounds like a full week. Have a great weekend.
i love the chiropractors. and popping my joints/ cracking my bones / etc etc. very satisfying sounds... that i enjoy, you know, in a very sane way.
I am a laptop convert this year...man, is it nice...I hate writing on paper and typing it all up later.
Yay you! Congrats on the almost-complete rewrite. I now feel inferior. ;)
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