The bad news, when your son wakes you at 4:30 in the am is that it is darn early. The good news, when you finally get him back to bed at 5:30 is that it is too late to go back to bed, especially if the dog is sleeping in your spot and he gets very growly if you move him. Since I don't like to be bitten first thing in the morning it was a great morning to write. I managed about a page and a half of new material before the dog came into the office, lay under the desk and started snoring loud enough to shake the windows. I had ten minutes left of good bed time before the alarm went off. I took it. I didn't sleep, but it wasn't for lack of trying.
I managed to get another seven pages written after that. It was great, although the quality of the pages is still suspect, and then the kids woke up and the daily routine started. It was the only real writing I have gotten done all week but it pushed me over the 20K mark.
How was your week? Is it just me or is it hard to believe that this is the last weekend in June?
Changes for New Year?
2 months ago
I can't believe June is here, much less almost over.
Nat, it seems like just last week I was on vacation and now it is almost Independence Day. Sheesh.
Same here. Time is just whizzing by these days. And I can barely remember what happened last weekend let alone figure out what to do this weekend. But at least it's here!
Way to go on the word count. I've been slow & steady this week without even noticing it :)
My holiday's finish this Sunday...Nooooooo. Oh, and I'd lock that dog outside for the night.
Mary, my days are a blur anymore.
Cate, enjoy the last couple of days you have.
You take what you can get, Jamie. I try to squeeze some time in here and there, too.
Aaron, every spare minute becomes increasingly valuable.
I luv writing first thing in the morn. My self-critical internal editor tends to sleep in.
Crap, really? Already? Summer will be over in a snap at this rate.
Awesome...he sounds like a 70lb cat!
Rebecca, I love me the writing in the morning, just maybe not that early. *yawn*
Jeremy, he would if he wasn't a 17 lb shih tzu. It doesn't help that he is blind and deaf.
I never write early in the morning, I'm just not sure I'd be alert enough for coherent thought. Night time is better for me.
Danielle, by nighttime my brain has burned out. :(
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