I am sitting here at the computer, trying to pour enough caffeine down my gullet to get me awake and actually work on my wip today. I just can't seem to get motivated. I have read the news, the blogs, tripped the light fantastic on facebook and now am sitting here with a bunch of words that appear to be in some semblance of order and I can't add to them. I will- eventually, but it is going to take some time today.
Dang, is that coffee cup empty again? I had better do something about that. Have a great Wednesday.
Changes for New Year?
2 months ago
Jamie - I've been a writing slug for the last couple of days. No coffee though...maybe that would help. Here's to you having a fantastic burst of creative mojo.
I've been on auto-pilot all morning at work, sucking down iced tea and vaguely resenting the ENTIRE WORLD. And now you see how productive I'm being. :) Some days are just like that.
Aaron, you have had a very good year so far so you can afford to be a slug for a couple of days.
K.C., Iced tea sounds good. I may have to make a pitcher. Lucky for you the rest of the world still likes you. :) Hope work goes quickly for you.
I hate it when my brain goes on strike : P
How long do you think it'll be before some genius just creates a coffee IV?
Thanks be to coffee. When I'm uninspired I slink off somewhere to read.
Nat, my brains have been on strike most of the year.
Barry, I would fund the research if I thought it would help.
Danielle, That is a good plan. I should do that more.
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