Today is the last day of school for my daughter. After this she will be in the second grade and I will be in charge of two kids for all summer. It should be interesting.At least we get to go on vacation next week, take in a few museums. Hopefully we don't end up killing each other being cooped up in a tiny room with each other for a week.
In other news. I still haven't heard from any editors so my standings for May stood at one lonely little rejection way back on the 4th. I really liked that short story. it was a rejection on a re-write request so I felt pretty good to get that far with it. That is pretty impressive considering I have seven stories out right now. and three books. I am sure it will catch up to me in June. Trust me, if anything changes on that front I will let you know.
I only managed a couple of hundred words this weekend and am planning on getting my 1K a day ramped up here in a minute (because this doesn't count). I have several new plot twists and the story stands at about 11K so far. I was slow last week and had a lot going on although I still managed to write every day during the school week. It felt good and I am really liking the characters so far. Some of them are real dirtbags, but they are my dirtbags.
I had better get on it. Enjoy your first day of June. I am going to. :)
Changes for New Year?
2 months ago
Your several hundred words > my 0
"Some of them are real dirtbags, but they are my dirtbag"---LOL.
Barry, I think you get a pass this weekend.
Rebecca, I like my despicable characters. What can I say?
God love the dirtbags. I know I do.
Yeah I always have more affection for the dirtbags, myself.
Sounds like summer will be fun-- kids are always so much more entertaining than grown-ups.
Aaron, God bless them, every one, for without them we would be literary writers. :)
Katey, I don't know. I never get to hang out with grownups. :P
Ah, June. I could do without the fucking heat, but the flowers look lovely!
Wait! It's JUNE? Already?!
Enjoy that vacation! Apparently I need one, too.
I always feel like singing Alice Cooper. Doesn't everyone? :)
I could never get sick of Alice Cooper. Am humming along to School's Out now.
I'm spinning between wanting to hear from people and not wanting to hear - enjoying dreaming in the inbetween moments.
Enjoy your holiday. The kids don't break up for summer until late July in the UK.
Nat, the heat can go away and you should see my flowers.
Jameson, scary when another month sneaks up on us like that. BOO!
K.C., that was kind of my feeling on it. :)
Danielle, that song ran through my head all day yesterday.
Cate, I wish the kids went year round with long holidays every couple of months. It would be so much better- for me.
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