So I managed to finish reading the book I said I was going to read yesterday. It was pretty good. I didn't work on the tabletop but I did manage to knock quite a few projects off the list. It is still a long list. I didn't get any writing done other than the blog.
Today I have managed about 900 words. It could be closer to 1000 but I can't quite remember where I started. I have also managed (you know if you leave out the second 'a' it becomes manged?) to make a monster truck out of lego's and it looked pretty darn cool. We have also managed to go for a nice long walk around the acreage and do some laundry and the dishes. Sometimes days are like that. I may hit my goal today, I may not. It was still nice.
Tomorrow, we will see what it brings. I am hoping for less humid weather as I am starting to wilt. I am hoping to hear back from an editor soon. I haven't gotten a rejection since May 4th. My inbox is starting to get lonely. Maybe it is broken.
Changes for New Year?
2 months ago
Man, I'm hoping for some Lego action this summer. I'm keeping a rather managable "500" as my summer word count/day. I probably won't even manage that. Or mange it, for that matter.
I love crossing things off lists. I get that nice little smug feeling of accomplishment.
Aaron, that is what I am pushing for as well.
Danielle, nothing smug about it. Accomplishment feels good.
I got a rejection today. You can have it, if you want ; )
I've forgotten how to make words form pretty sentences, and I'll have forgotten what sentences are if I don't get down to some actual creating soon.
I've had a bunch of rejections of late. An empty mailbox would be a welcome break. : )
Nat, not really, but thanks anyway. :)
Cate, I doubt if you ever stop making pretty sentences.
Rebecca, I have a feeling the floodgates are about to open on mine. Maybe I can divert the flow from yours.
I think I need to steal my legos back from my parents next time I'm in WV. Nice word count, man!
Katey, I never had any legos as a kid. :(
I'm now consumed with the desire to build monster trucks out of Legos. Alas, I have no Legos--in fact, I'm pretty sure my three nephews have cornered the world market on them.
I hope your inbox gets fixed soon and delivers an acceptance.
K.C., they are actually K'nex monster trucks and they are compatible with lego's. They are pretty sweet. You can send the inbox repairman over right away. :)
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