The patio is all but done. I ran out of diamond dust on the wheel of my grinder so I had to get a new one so now that I have one I can finish cutting the last half dozen or so bricks to finish out the edge. I believe that when my boy gets up I will do that. I also need to get the tiller out and get some grass seed down before it starts to rain this week. Then that project will be all but done. I just have to spend a little time in the shop and make a table top to cover up the well and I will have a nice place to put my beer.
In other news I finally finished my novella, Beneath These Walls on Friday. It has been 14 months since I started it and I am pretty happy with it. I worked up a query and synopsis and have sent it out to a publisher. We shall see. I believe that the novella form is perfect for the e-book market. I could see a resurgence in the medium, especially as the readers themselves become more inexpensive (Borders is releasing one this summer with a price of around $150. I think this will spark a price war and should bring the price down for more people to pick them up, maybe even me.).
So with a couple of projects down now, and a new week ahead I am debating of which project I should tackle next. I have a couple of ideas and I may have to play with them before I settle into one but at least 2.5 tons of brick is now in its final resting spot. I will post some pictures when I get the chairs around the table I have to build. (my wife spent Saturday painting the chairs and they look great.)
Have a great Monday. Will talk at you all later.
Changes for New Year?
2 months ago
Great work - patio plus finished novella!
Very productive indeed. Woot to the novella!
We do a lot of DIY projects around here too--exhausting yet rewarding when finished. Looking forward to those pics.
Ransom, I have to say I am happy with both.
Rebecca, the best part is we still managed to take Mother's Day off and go to the city for dinner I think the pics will be next week after the rain stops.
Best of luck with the novella. I kind of like medium-range fiction as it's easier to finish before I lose interest. Maybe it's the kids; I get so distra--
What was I saying?
Aaron, I currently have the attention span of a gnat that is on a collision course with the window of a my truck, or Cate's eye.
Good luck with the novella - and good god, we have to right synopses for those as well!!!
Crap. I feel accomplished if I remember to water the lawn!
Sounds like you've been very productive. Fingers crossed for the novella.
Congrats on finishing the novella! And the patio...whichever was more satisfying...
Yeah, congrats on all the project success, writing and otherwise! I love novellas, and I think you're right about the e-publishing potential of them.
Yay! You finished a novella! Can I invite myself to a party on your patio?
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