Sometimes it is amazing how the best laid plans can get thrown into the woodchipper like so many mob snitches. I have been plugging away on a new book, 8K in 5 days. Not a record but still respectable. It has gotten in the way of my meager reading time. I was all set and prepared to finish reading The Lightening Thief on Friday or Saturday and here it is Tuesday and I still have another 50 or so pages to go. I need to finish so I can read Barry Napier's newest chapbook.
In the meantime I am chipping away at my massive to do list around the house. Massive is kind of an understatement. I noticed my wife had put her to do list down on a piece of paper and I thought that it looked like a good idea. Visualize the situation. It can't be that bad. How many projects can I have going on around the house? Oh, yeah. It is bad. Many of these projects are quite involved and will take days to finish. This coming from a man who is happy to have an hour of uninterrupted work time.
I may see you all this December, after I get caught up. Who knows, I may have the time to jot a piece of flash fiction down in that time. Maybe. Now, I am going to try to finish reading a book and then I can build a table top for my patio. (seriously).
Changes for New Year?
2 months ago
8k is awesome - I always writing the beginning of a book incredibly slow-going and average about 200 words a day.
Cate, I have been that way but this story is kind of writing itself right now. I have to take advantage of the situation before reality takes over.
To Do lists scare me to no end.
Also, I hope Cooper treats you well...
I can sympathize. I think it's great you got 8k words done. I have been mostly writing short stories lately, which have been good for my ego (I can write 4-5K and complete a project, whereas writing a book means that I have to mentally break it down into chunks to convince myself that I have accomplished anything).
My to do list from the wife is ongoing and usually is not so organized. Its usually when I have five minutes to breathe that she says "you know that our son has tons of homework tonight...and it's your night to help him with it."
C'est la vie.
Barry, finished the book I was reading this morning so I can read Cooper tonight. Can't wait to see how it goes.
Sloggoth, I have started several books this year and they usually peter out at 4-5,000 words. This is a personal record for me this year. We shall persevere.
Writing is writing and 8K is a nice sum. Enjoy the journey.
Aaron, and the weird part is my main characters haven't even run into each other and it doesn't feel stretched out.
Wait, I can inflict "to do" lists on Ying? Hmm.
Nat, the key is to get him to write his own list and he will feel more accomplished. I still don't know how my wife got me to do it.
8k is MASSIVELY awesome. I think you deserve a little table-toppery. Um...or something.
Carrie, sadly the table top is still in the blueprint phase. I did manage to knock off half a dozen things from the ol' to-do list.
I'd say keep plugging away even if it's only a few hundred words a day! Better a little than nothing at all!
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