I have been flitting around projects lately. Writing a page or two here, editing some there, starting a new one when the whim gets to me. This is dangerous. I now have way too many projects going. I need to sit down and finish one or two and get it into the manageable range of 28 projects at one time. Either that or I need to stop having time to think, because when I think I not only come up with new ideas for old stories but new idea for stories I haven't even started yet. Lately I have been coming up with ideas for things I will probably never get around to. I don't know what is up with that.
Spring is here I guess. The leather bound journal that my wife got me for my birthday is soon going to be filled with my chicken scratches of ideas and notions and I couldn't be happier about it. I hope that next Winter I don't have to go through what I went through this last Winter.
Have a happy Monday, I am going to be busy with everything so don't be surprised if I disappear from the internet for at least a little while. :)
Changes for New Year?
2 months ago
Sounds a bit like me. If you factor in Birdwatching From Mars, I have about 7 active projects right now. Makes my brain hurt...
Birdwatching is definitely an active project, one I can't wait to get my hands on. not unlike Cooper.
It would be nice if the ideas would come one after another in an easy to manage, but steady, stream.
Best to you in your endeavors.
I'm convinced the main purpose of ideas is to make our brains explode. It's only a matter of time. :D
I'm a bit dry of ideas right now, which is kinda nice. Have a great week. : )
Aaron, when my mind works it is fantastic. When it is broken I feel like I am in a coma.
Cate, exploding brains are the least of my worry around here. Just ask my wife.
Rebecca, I felt like that all Winter. I didn't like it. You have a great week as well.
Sounds like you've got a regular swarm on your hands : )
I thought I was doing well with 19 current projects on-the-go. I've got some catching up to do!
28! Very productive indeed. I thought juggling 6 stories at the moment was adventurous.
Nat, and not the good kind that takes out your neighbors in a flurry of wings and stingers.
Mary, nineteen is a good number.
Danielle, I think I may have exaggerated a bit with 28. Just a bit. :)
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