Thursday, January 7, 2010

Four Horsemen

Pill Hill Press has released the ToC for their Four Horsemen Antho. They are doing some things different with this one. 1. Every story will be illustrated. 2. It will be available as a hardcover as well as the trade paperback.
Opening Story:

* "A Pretty Lucky Day" by Camille Alexa
* "The Chronicles of an Alien Invader" by Jason Toupence
* "The God-King" by Scott M. Sandridge
* "The Gunny" by Megan R. Englehardt
* "Savage Planet" by Alethea Kontis
* "Scorched Earth" by Matthew Dent
* "Beware False Tribute" by Carla Joinson
* "Colorblind" by Jessy Marie Roberts
* "Fire and Stone" by Jonathan Shipley
* "The Battlefield" by Will Morton
* "The Midnight Maiden" by Bill Ward
* "Azieran: The Making of the Skullscron" by Christopher Heath
* "Untitled" by Alva J. Roberts
* "Fate's Hand in Mortal Affairs" by Jamie Eyberg
* "Superstition" by Laura Eno
* "Clay's Fire" by Kat Heckenbach
* "The Ape" by Kelli A. Wilkins
* "Judgment" by A.R. Norris
* "Open Season" by John H. Dromey
* "Valley of the Ravens" by Scott Taylor
* "The Onion Men" by Jacob Henry Orloff
* "Bleeding Sky" by Marie Croke
* "Borrowing Sugar" by Marshall Payne
* "On a Black Horse" by L.E. Erickson
* "Hot" by Nye Joell Hardy

I don't recognize a lot of the names in this one, but the ones I do are spectacular. I am actually shocked I am in such good company. I will post a link when it becomes available.

Hope everyone is having a warmer day than we are. This weather is rotten.


Cate Gardner said...

Fantastic TOC, Jamie. This is one anthology that is definitely on my 'to buy' list.

Aaron Polson said...

Illustrated stories = big squee! Congrats!

Mary Rajotte said...

So cool! I wish more anthos included illustrations for each story. Congrats!

Jeremy D Brooks said...

Very cool, congrats! That's a lot of stories, is it flash?

Jamie Eyberg said...

Cate- Mine too. At least a hardcover copy.

Aaron- I am anxious to see that part as well.

Mary- I agree.

Jamie Eyberg said...

Jeremy, Mine was 2800 words edited so no. I know some will be. I will curious to see how many words this one will be.

Fox Lee said...


Weather wise, it's cold as a witch's teet : P

Anonymous said...

Huzzah! Great job! And illustrated - how exciting!

Scott M. Sandridge said...

It's an honor to share a ToC with you. :)

Jamie Eyberg said...

Nat, the left one even.

Jeremy, thanks.

Scott, I look forward to reading your story.

K.C. Shaw said...

I'm not a bit surprised your story is about death. :) Very nice lineup, and the illustrations thing is cool!

Carrie Harris said...

Ooooh. Illustrated. How fun will that be?

Answer: a lot.


Barry Napier said...

I totally missed that you were in this. Congrats! Sounds like a great antho.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

BT said...

Excellent news! Congrats.

Some very good names in that ToC that I recognise - I'm sure all of those I don't are also very good.

Let us know when it's released and I'll not only buy a copy, but do a review for you as well.

Jamie Eyberg said...

K.C.- I have the Grim Reaper on speed dial, but only as a reference.

Carrie- I was very excited about pictures, I just hope they can fit a smallish likeness of Hobbes in there somewhere.

Barry- you are forgiven. :)

B.T.- I will let you know. I am with you, there are more people than not I recognize in most horrorish anthologies anymore,but not this one. I look forward to reading it myself.

Katey said...

I didn't realize it was to be illustrated-- holy god. What a ToC. Yeah, it goes on the list.

Jamie Eyberg said...

Katey, I didn't find out it was going to be ill. until a couple of days before my story was accepted. I was over the moon.

Danielle Birch said...


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